Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Train Your Dog To Obey Your Commands

Train Your Dog To Obey Your Commands
Some dogs can be more trouble to train than other dogs. For example it's good to start training puppies young but they are more energetic or hyper than older dogs. Dogs that are older may already have learned bad habits. However a person can still learn ways to train any dog in this article.

Try to think about what it would be like to be your dog. Frustration is easy during dog training. You should never give up on them, try looking at it from your dog's vantage point. Your dog might not be making the connection between the order and the behavior you expect from them because you have not repeated the exercise enough times.

A dog's name should only be used when positively interacting with the animal. Call the dog's name to get him to come to your side or call his name when you are serving his dinner. Don't, however, call your dog's name when you are unhappy with his or her actions. The dog would negatively associate that with punishment.

Throughout your dog's training program, continue to play with them as much as possible. Interacting through games and activities is one way to bond with your pet and relieve stress. Dogs respond much better to people they trust, so go out and throw a ball, play tug of war or just rub their belly.

Always keep fresh water available to your dog when he is being trained using a crate. One way to do this without making a mess is to furnish the crate with a rabbit water bottle. Just attach it to the outside of the crate with the tip sticking inside. Your dog will quickly learn to drink from it.

A dog may be difficult to train sometimes but that does not mean it is impossible. Any dog can be trained with the proper knowledge of the subject. Now that you have gained some knowledge you can start to train your dog regardless of any traits it may have.

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