Thursday, April 2, 2015

Is Baby Botox going to be as Effective as a Standard Botox Treatment?
Is Baby Botox going to be as Effective as a Standard Botox Treatment?
The first thing to clarify before we start going into detail about this type of treatment is that it is not for babies! Some people have heard about baby botox and reacted by saying how cruel they think it is to treat babies just because they have plenty of wrinkles. We agree that it is perfectly natural for babies to have lots of wrinkles because their bodies have a lot of growing to do, so they arrive in this world with lots of extra skin. You should therefore understand that the use of the word baby in baby botox is to emphasise that the doses are not as large as they are in a standard botox treatment.

In fact it was the great film director Martin Scorsese who first requested that his actors and actresses should receive baby botox remedies. He had noticed that there were a growing number of professional film stars who were tending to overdo the botox injections which left them unable to move their facial muscles naturally. As we all know, film directors like to do a lot of close -up work and actors use their facial muscles a lot to convey emotional states. Too much botox and your facial muscles will begin to freeze up. You may look younger but expressionless faces don’t do a lot for winning awards!

So why didn’t Martin just say enough is enough and forbid the use of botox altogether? Well, aging actors and actresses don’t always like to look their age, do they? Particularly if hard living has given them a tendency to look older than they actually are. Botox does have the ability to smooth out skin, particularly around the eyes and on the forehead.

Of course, the effect of any course of Botox Injections isn’t permanent, so it made sense for smaller doses and more subtle, natural looking expressions to be offered every couple of months and this became known as a baby botox treatment. It became very popular in Hollywood and then moved out around the rest of the world after that.

Sometimes baby botox injection therapy is provided as a preventive treatment to younger clients who wish to keep those lines and wrinkles from showing up and spoiling those perfect youthful looks that can earn women and men a fortune these days. Make-up and post filming touch- ups can, of course, be an expensive alternative but they are not as natural looking and will never be there all the time in real life. Cameras are everywhere these days to catch people out when they least expect it.

With regular baby botox treatments even your partner will never see you getting older, never mind your audience! With such little doses you will be perfectly safe to carry on and get away with it for many years. If you live in the Marylebone, Wimbledon or North West areas of London check out our baby botox treatment centres and give us a call right away to find out how you might choose to be a baby again, too.

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