Internet Marketing Blunders That Make You Lose Sales
Do you consider your website effective? Is it attracting a large number of targeted visitors? Is your website bringing new contacts and businesses daily? Are purchasing agents, business partners, new vendors and customers finding you on the internet? If you find the answer to all these questions as a big “NO”, then you really need to work on your website and internet marketing strategies. Numerous factors produce ineffective search marketing results including the age of your domain name and how long it has been live on the internet. However, if your website has failed to bring contacts, leads or sales, despite of being live on web for a long time, then you might be making some serious website marketing blunders:
Hiding Your Website from Search Engines
A lot of websites do the mistake of hiding their key pages from search engines as the website founders either do not know how the search engine works, or are greatly concerned about visual effects instead of getting found on the internet.
Search engines have hunger for text. They cannot read picture or videos. The website’s text tells them what your website is about, and so the search engines know when to display the website in response to the search queries. If search engines fail to find any text on the key pages of your website, or find very little text, people will not be able to find your website and the product you are selling. Following are a few examples of poor text on a website:
A home page that includes the business name, a huge photo displaying an example of their work.
A home page that includes a video and a link for signing up to a newsletter. Nothing else is present except the business name and their slogan that are not the representative of the goods being sold.
Flash or slideshows on the website’s home annoying the visitors seeking information without waiting for the presentation to finish.
Pictures of text. Brochure looks good, but a scanned copy of it is of no use for visitors.
Absence of Appropriate Keywords and Phrases on Your Website
People type keywords and key phrases into the search engine when they want to find information about a product or service. Hence, to make your website visible on search engine results, you need to incorporate such terms in your website’s texts that your clients would usually use to look for what you sell. Commonly used keywords and phrases related to the product or the concept described on the pages of your website increase your chances to be found in the search engines. Appropriate keywords should be used in the page title, headlines, Meta tags and text body.
Not Describing Your Business Properly
Web searchers expect your website to inform them fully about what you are selling and where they should click for details. They want the details in plain English and in lots of short paragraphs and bullets. They like facts and the product features rather than lists of the advantages of purchasing from your business.
Difficult Process for Order Placement
Your online services should make shopping from you as easy as possible. It is usually seen, that “Buy Now” as well as Checkout buttons are difficult to find. Clients are often asked to register before they can place an order and add an item in their shopping cart. Then the order as well as confirmation process is long, complex and confusing. As a result, order abandonment rates increase and conversion rates decrease.
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